橋本環奈 1st写真集「Little Star -KANNA15-」Hashimoto Kanna ”Little Star -KANNA15-” Japanese Idol actress

Hashimoto Kanna ”Little Star -KANNA15-”橋本環奈 1st写真集 「Little Star -KANNA15-」

ISBN  978-4-8470-4692-6



-Book introduction
Since the end of last year, she has been attracting attention as “one talent in 1000” and “an angel too idol”, and has since appeared in numerous commercials.
Kanna Hashimoto, who has a lot of talk about drama and major debut.
She will release the long-awaited first photo book.
We welcome Leslie Key to the filming and express the 15-year-old brilliantly.
Yukata, dress, sailor suit, etc. in various situations such as amusement park, Japanese-style room, sea
From her life-size image, she tried to shoot in studio mode, a modest stretch.
And the highlight is the 15-year-old wedding dress.

Kanna Hashimoto, who has a rich facial expression and expressiveness, has created a work that has never been seen before, created with creators. A new “miracle piece” is born here!


2013年(中学校三年生当時)11月の3日から4日にかけ博多リバレインのイベントで踊っている写真がインターネット掲示板「2ちゃんねる」や「Twitter」などで急速に拡散。この「奇跡の一枚」と言われた写真の拡散によって“かわいすぎるローカルアイドル”や“1000年に1人の逸材”として注目を集める。後者のキャッチフレーズの由来となった「NAVERまとめ」の「【千年に一人の逸材】博多のローカルアイドルが、かわいすぎるとネットで大騒ぎ【橋本環奈ちゃん画像】」というタイトルでまとめられた記事は11月7日に閲覧回数55万回を超え、所属事務所アクティブハカタの公式ウェブサイトのサーバーはアクセス過多で一時的にダウン。NHKの深夜ニュース番組「NEWS WEB」内のコーナーにあたりツイッター上で言及が急増した事物が紹介される「つぶやきビッグデータ」や、検索エンジン「Google」の検索回数を示す「グーグルトレンド」の急上昇ランキングにも登場、さらには中国のネット利用者にまで広がりを見せた。

-“One miracle photo” uproar

Photos of dancing at events from November 3rd to 4th in Hakata Riverain , 2013 (at the time of the third year of junior high school) spread rapidly on the Internet bulletin boards such as “2channel” and “Twitter”. Due to the diffusion of the photo, which was said to be “a piece of miracle,” it attracted attention as a “too cute local idol” and “one person in 1000 years.” The article summarized under the title of “[One person in a thousand years] Hakata’s local idol makes a fuss over the Internet if it is too cute [Kanna Hashimoto image]” of “NAVER Summary” that is the origin of the latter catchphrase 11 On May 7, the number of views exceeded 550,000 and the server of the official website of the active office, Active Hakata, was temporarily down due to excessive access. NHK’s late-night news program “NEWS WEB” has been featured in a corner of “NEWS WEB”, where “Tweet Big Data”, where things that were mentioned abruptly on Twitter were introduced, and “Google Trend”, which shows the number of searches by the search engine “Google” Also appeared, and even spread to Chinese Internet users.
According to her office, she was flooded with offers for TV commercial appearances and interviews in response to this “buzz on the Internet” situation.

[google map]博多リバレイン Hakata Riverain

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