千を越える組織とおよそ10万を越える構成員を擁する国家主義右翼団体。主に黒塗りの街宣車やそれらを使った中国や韓国、ロシア大使館前での尖閣諸島や北方領土の領有権を主張する抗議活動で知られる。VICEは「日本の会」代表、クドウ マサヤ氏を取材。その理念や今日の右翼活動、そしてヤクザとの比較について話を聞いた。
“Uyoku dantai” are Japanese nationalist right-wing groups of which there are over 1,000 in Japan with about 100,000 members in total. Well known for their black propaganda vans, they are often seen driving around staging protests with their loudspeakers outside the Chinese, Korean, and Russian embassies demanding ownership of the Senkaku and Kuril Islands to name a few. We caught up with Masaya Kudo, a Right-Wing activist and leader of his own group, “Nihon-no-Kai” as he explained his philosophies and concerns regarding the Right-Wing movement today and their ties to the Yakuza.
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