Musical Moriarty the Patriot Op.2 Piano Sheet Music |ミュージカル『憂国のモリアーティ』Op.2 –大英帝国の醜聞– ピアノ楽譜「二人のM 指令」

My piano/vocal arrangement for M16 of the Moriarty the Patriot Op.2 Musical –A Scandal in the British Empire– 「二人のM 指令」.

Actually wanted to do a cover for this because this song is one of my top 5 favourites from the musical… but I’m way too tired right now, and did rush finishing this since I wanted to post this on the day the 2nd cour was to end. Also I’m currently sleep deprived.

Original music by Tadasuke.
All rights belong to their respective owners.

Just some things to note:

1) I consider myself to not be particularly good at identifying all the notes in a chord unless they’re octaves, which is also why the sheet music I make tends to be on the more simple side.

2) I have a hard time identifying differing vocal notes when there are people of the same gender with similar vocal ranges singing overlapping words.

3) I paid more attention to details for the score this time since I genuinely like this song, which is in contrast to when I make sheet music for something simply because it was for a song that I was able to break down most of the notes for from listening just to it without being aided by a piano or keyboard.

4) I’m aware that I probably could have put this song in D♭ major… but I initially put this in E♭ major, and changing the key signature really messed up my page formatting so I left it as is since I’m a bit picky about the appearance of any sheet music I make.

5) If Chapter 59 didn’t have Liam in it… I probably would have delayed finishing this for another month because I actually need an insane amount of motivation to subject myself to setting the timing of the notes I identify into a piece of sheet music (I seriously hate everything about making sheet music aside from having the end result in my hands since I’m a pianist who needs sheet music… but I especially hate taking the notes that I’ve identified from a song and making sure that they’re played alongside the right notes, and for the right number of beats while also being placed at the right time and at the correct tempo.), and would consider writing an essay on something on some global political issue or weaving 10,000 rings as something far easier and less aggravating to do. I mean, there’s a reason why I have written notes on more than two dozen songs just lying around and not saved into a file.

6) I’m not a professional musician so I will probably have made some mistakes somewhere.

Anyway, my sheet music links available below and while they’re free to use/modify, credit me if you do so… and under no circumstances are any of my arrangements to be profited off of in any way.

Eng version (with lyrics are written based on how I perceive the vocals since I don’t know Japanese):

Japanese version (with lyrics based on how I perceive the vocals since I don’t know Japanese):

Japanese version (no lyrics, though they’re technically still in the file and have been visibly hidden because Musescore will mess up the page formatting if I just delete the text):


私は日本語がわからないので、以下はgoogle translateを使って翻訳されています。

M16のための私のピアノ編曲ミュージカル『憂国のモリアーティ』Op.2 –大英帝国の醜聞– 「二人のM 指令」。

この曲はミュージカルのお気に入りのトップ5の1つなので、実際にカバーしたかったのですが、今は疲れすぎて、最後のエピソードに投稿したかったので、急いで仕上げました。 空気に。 また、私は現在睡眠不足です。





4)おそらくこの曲を「D♭ 」に入れることができたのではないかと思いますが、最初は「E♭」に入れましたが、調号を変更するとページのフォーマットがめちゃくちゃになったのでそのままにしておきました。 楽譜の見た目が少し気になるので。

5)第59章にリアムが含まれていなかった場合… 私が特定した音符のタイミングを一片に設定するために実際に非常に多くの動機が必要なため、これをもう1か月遅らせたでしょう。楽譜(私は楽譜を必要とするピアニストなので、最終結果を手にすることを除いて、楽譜を作ることについてのすべてを真剣に嫌います…しかし、私は特に、曲から特定したメモを取り、作ることを嫌います適切な音符と一緒に、適切なビート数で、適切なタイミングとテンポで配置されていることを確認してください。)また、グローバルな政治問題について何かについてエッセイを書くか、10,000を編むことを検討してください。リングは、はるかに簡単で悪化の少ないものとして実行できます。つまり、ファイルに保存されておらず、横になっているだけの20曲以上にメモを書いたのには理由があります。

6) 私はプロのミュージシャンではないので、どこかで間違いを犯したかもしれません。





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