Pui Pui Demo Derby! – Molcar Madness!

“Make it a figure 8 race where they all crash in the middle!” That, was the brief, from there this idea spiralled out of control into the nonsense you see here. The molcars are lined up on the starting grid, ready for the race of their lives, but anything could happen in this crazy world, and they have no idea that this race, could be their last…

Is this meme even relevant anymore? I have no idea, but I made this anyway. This took a lot of effort, ranging from making custom menu screens to reskinning a double decker bus and 12 unique molcars! There were also endless issues with programs and audio static galore! (this is about the 7th render after lots of trial and error with sound levels, sorry if some things sound a little low pitched…)

Anyways, it’s done. Hope you like my silly little demo derby. Will I ever make something like this again? Who knows…

21/07/21 Edit: Did I go to far with Pui Pui Demo Derby? I think so. Moving forwards I’ll probably cut down on the amount of personalised content included since, it kind of detracted from the source material. If anything, demo derby was a personal test of skill. I’m still learning! 🐹

09/02/2022: Thank you for 50k views! I have no idea how to top this video.

10/6/2022: 100k views! Thank you so much for the support, what on earth am I going to do?!

Molcar: @kkworx



F.A.Q. [There will likely be a few questions in your head after this, I certainly had some…]

Who are all these random molcar characters?!: 5 of them are actual characters from the anime (Potato, Choko, Abbey, Shiromo and Teddy) 2 of them are from other animes (see if you can spot them!) the remaining 5 are mine and my friends OC’s, I just asked them if they wanna be molcars!

What on earth is the Pui Pui Slayer?!: I needed a big heavy “car” to go against the molcars to give the video a villain, initially this was a Dakar truck but it just, wasn’t heavy enough to even knock them aside! (molcars are big!) so I just kept trying bigger and bigger cars until I came to this double decker bus. Then I saw it had a First bus skin (which is reminiscent of the bus I rode to school as a kid) and I decided, lets vandalise it!

Why a pineapple?: Pineapples are my favourite fruit! Originally I was going to use the fruit from Muppet Racemania (since that awards turbo boost) but I struggled to get a proper image, then decided to use a photorealistic image, which became the pineapple!

Why did you make this?: I don’t fully know. I saw how well the first Pui Pui Rally did and thought “This is not the limit of my skill! I can improve on this so much! I can do better!” Truth is this isn’t the limit of my skill either but, we’ll save that for next time…

Got a suggestion/game I need to play? Let me know!