

Good morning, I ‘ve been away for a while.Finally, I too was infected with the coronavirus.Today’s video was taken on the day before I contracted the coronavirus, when I was still feeling well.It’s been a very long and painful week . It hasn’t healed at all yet. My

Fever hasn’t gotten that high, 38.2 degrees, which is probably the highest I’ve been. I took antipyretics and it was almost down by the first day. Above all, the most painful and unbearable thing was the pain in my throat. Swallowing saliva. I’ve been in pain for 6 days

Now and it hasn’t gotten better at all.I’ve gotten to the point where I can work on my computer a little, so I think I’ve probably passed the peak, but I ‘m still in pain and suffering.I was finally able to photograph a striped long- tailed tit. However, as you can see,

It moves very quickly.A few days before I started having a fever, my husband had a fever and we suspected it was coronavirus or influenza, but the test was negative for both , but he had a higher fever than me, so it turned out to be coronavirus. I think so

, and a few days later I also developed the symptoms.In my case, the fever wasn’t that bad, but the pain in my throat was so painful that I couldn’t sleep at night and was exhausted.Takemaru When I went for a walk, I ended up only using the toilet

At a time when I didn’t see anyone, so I felt sorry for him , but he didn’t poop easily, so I walked for 30 minutes, but the Calonal I got at the hospital didn’t work either. I couldn’t bear it anymore, and the additional Loxonin I received didn’t work either. Every time I swallowed something, the pain would make me jump. It was really painful, wondering how long this would last. Now, I’m hoping that taking painkillers will help a little. (It’s hell once the medicine wears off)

I can now eat noodles and other foods depending on the day.To be honest, I thought the coronavirus was somehow someone else’s problem, and I got through the busy season when there were many customers at work, and last year. I’ve been living a normal life without a mask since May, but

Somehow I thought it wouldn’t happen to me.This time, I suffered a lot.I could only do the bare minimum for my dogs and cats, and I couldn’t even do the bare minimum for myself. It was a week where I felt like a wreck because I couldn’t

Do anything.I took a lot of time off from work.My tonsils are weak and swell easily, but I haven’t had any problems for the past 10 years, so this was the most painful experience I’ve had in a while.

I’m jealous of the time before the onset of my illness when I was casually eating rice cakes.I don’t want to get infected again Everyone, please be very careful.The dogs and cats are fine, so don’t worry . I think I’ll probably feel a little better in the next few days.I want to get well soon and eat what I like.I’ll be posting videos little by little, so I’d be happy if you could keep watching them.Before

I knew it, we’d already reached the second half of January. I lost a lot of time due to the coronavirus , but it was a good thing that it was winter when everyone got a good night’s sleep.It didn’t snow that much, which was a relief.There

Was one day when I had no choice but to shovel snow, but I really felt the value of my health. I want to go back to peaceful days with my dogs and cats as soon as possible.It seems like there are many other things going on other than the coronavirus

Right now.Let’s continue to be careful.Thank you for reading until the end.





🐱むさし(♂ 11歳)    2012.4~家族になりました  
🐱みけ(♀ 11歳)     2012.4~家族になりました
🐱とらお(♂ 11歳) 2012.4~家族になりました
🐱あむ(♂ 11歳) 2012.4~家族になりました
🐱みく(♀ 11歳) 2012.4~家族になりました
🐕たけまる(♂ 推定8歳) 2018.6~家族になりました
🐕こむぎ(♀ 推定6歳)  2018.6~家族になりました
🐱あんこ(♀ 5歳) 2018.8~家族になりました

#コロナ #犬と猫と小さな家 #田舎暮らし #北海道 #移住 #暮らし #犬 #猫 #犬と猫 #田舎 #森 #vlog #保護猫 #保護犬 #japan

BGM : epidemic sound