Bukan Soundtrack: Your Eyes Tell (きみの瞳(め)が問いかけている) – 2020 # Lyrics: Tak Segampang Itu

Akari (Yuriko Yoshitaka) lost her eyesight in cars accident. She also losses her parents. However, she continues life and learns to adapt. She accidentally meets Rui (Ryusei Yokohama), a former kick boxer, who works in a car park and begins to talk to him. Rui was once a promising kick boxer, but something happened in his past to cause him to disassociate himself from everyone. Akari’s smile brings out a change in Rui.
The two people begin to have feelings for each other, but Rui learns about Akari’s past accident and his connection. Rui decides to take part in an underground fight to pay for Akari’s eye surgery. But, he then got troubles that make his leg limping.
Akari, however love Rui, but she only can try to remember him when she’s in past blind eyes with puzzles that memorize deep in her hearts of love. But Rui keep for silence without any words that will make Akari know is him, as her love one.

#Song: Tak Segampang Itu (Anggi Marito) – 2022
Activate “Setting” Subtitle to see the lyrics

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