歌舞伎 (Excerpt only) TŌKAIDŌCHŪ HIZAKURIGE (東海道中膝栗毛) 08-2019 松本幸四郎 X, 市川猿之助 IV, 市川染五郎 VIII,市川團子 V

歌舞伎 (Excerpt only) TŌKAIDŌCHŪ HIZAKURIGE (東海道中膝栗毛) 08-2019 松本幸四郎 X, 市川猿之助 IV, 市川染五郎 VIII,市川團子 V

Many Thanks to kabuki21 for summary and to the Original Uploader who posted this Kabuki online. 非常感谢原始上传者在网上发布了此歌舞伎。
Summary : “Tōkaidōchū Hizakurige”, also known as “Yaji Kita” after its two main protagonists Yajirobê (Matsumoto Kōshirō X / Ichikawa Somegorō vii formerly) and Kitahachi (Ichikawa Ennosuke IV), is a famous comic novel written in the Edo period. It has often been adapted as Kabuki and has always been a popular and humorous story reflecting the contemporary topics of the age. This is the third work in a series of popular plays first staged in 2016. Many incidents happened to them along the great Tôkaidô Highway as they were heading from Edo city to the Ise Shrine. Once, Yaji and Kita were blown all the way to Las Vegas by a whale. Somehow, they got back to Edo city and then worked as black-robed stagehands at the Kabukiza. There they even solved a murder case in the theatre, but they blundered onto the stage again and again and, as ever, were scolded. Now, once more, they set off on a journey through Japan for the Ise Shrine, but what will happen to them this time?

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