Drawing 新垣結衣 Yui Aragaki – ガッキー | Speed drawing | Portrait painting | イラストメイキング | ArtyCoaty #Shorts

Thank you for watching! Enjoy hand-drawn art creation on your iPad Pro using the Procreate app. After enjoying this video, subscribe and press the notification bell. Starting today you can watch the latest videos on my channel. Thank you for visiting.

In this channel you can see the process of drawing. And they are drawn by “mainly overlapping only the lines” by a painting technique called “cross hatching”. (このチャンネルではクロスハッチングという絵画技法を用いて「主に線のみを重ねて」イラストを描いています)

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🏷 #新垣結衣 #drawing #ArtyCoaty #painting #イラスト #似顔絵 #ガッキー
#デッサン #YuiAragaki #Shorts

✍️ Device used – #iPadPro + #ApplePencil + #Procreate #プロクリエイト