Japanese COVID-19 Medical terms.コロナに関する医学用語 #studyjapanese #ญี่ปุ่น #일본어 #コロナ

コロナウィルス=Coronavirus ワクチン=vaccine パンデミック=pandemic
コロナウィルスの症状は何ですか?=What are the symptoms of the coronavirus disease ?
38度を越える高熱= A high fever above 38 degrees celsius.
Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients with Infectious Diseases (the Infectious Diseases Control Law)

検疫法 Quarantine Act

施行令 Enforcement Order

感染症発生動向調査事業実施要綱  Implementation manual for the National Epidemiological Surveillance of Infectious Diseases Program

感染症発生動向調査 National Epidemiological Surveillance of Infectious Diseases (NESID)
感染症発生動向調査事業 National Epidemiological Surveillance of Infectious Diseases (NESID) Program
感染症発生動向調査システム National Epidemiological Surveillance of Infectious Diseases (NESID) System

病原体検査要領  Pathogen Testing Guidelines
検疫感染症 Quarantinable Infectious Diseases

新型インフルエンザ等感染症 Pandemic Influenza (Novel Influenza or Re-emerging Influenza)
新型インフルエンザ Pandemic Influenza (Novel Influenza)

新感染症 New Infectious Disease
再興型インフルエンザ Re-emerging Influenza
指定感染症 Designated infectious diseases

小児科定点 Pediatric sentinel sites
インフルエンザ定点 Influenza sentinel sites

性感染症定点 Sexually transmitted infections sentinel sites (STI sentinel sites)
眼科定点 Ophthalmology sentinel sites

病原体定点 Sentinel sites for laboratory-based surveillance
病原体個票 Case-based pathogenic agent report form

保健所 Public Health Center

一類感染症 Category I Infectious Diseases
二類感染症 Category II Infectious Diseases
三類感染症 Category III Infectious Diseases
四類感染症 Category IV Infectious Diseases
五類感染症 Category V Infectious Diseases