高橋メアリージュン、志々雄真実ファンすぎて「包帯ロスに」 映画「るろうに剣心 京都大火編」試写イベント(3) #Rurouni Kenshin #movie


女優の高橋メアリージュンさんが7月23日、東京都内で行われた映画「るろうに剣心 京都大火編」(大友啓史監督)の試写イベントに主演の佐藤健さんら共演者とともに登場し、舞台あいさつを行った。



Actress Maryjun Takahashi appeared alongside colleague Takeru Sato, who plays the main character, and other cast members on stage to extend their greetings at the preview event of the movie “Rurouni Kenshin: Great Kyoto Fire Arc” (Directed by Keishi Otomo) held in Tokyo on July 23rd.
On the stage, in addition to actress Emi Takei, Yusuke Iseya, Munetaka Aoki, Tao Tsuchiya, Yosuke Eguchi, Tatsuya Fujiwara, and director Keishi Ohtomo were also present at the event.