如何打造独有时尚风格? | style tips over 50+ | 10个概念提升穿搭品味 | 50+的中年女性穿搭从无零感开始 | 时尚风格小窍门 | 学搭配 、提升风格

如何打造独有时尚风格 | style tips over 50+| 10个概念提升穿搭品味 | 50+的中年女性穿搭从无零感开始 | 时尚风格小窍门 | 风格提升、改变参考

嗨! 亲爱的50+知性、优雅美女。今天,我忠心推荐你观看这支影片。这一期是来和大家分享如何打造/提升个人的穿搭风格。这里所提供的都是纯粹个人意见。我深信每个人都有自己的穿搭风格。不过,我相信里面的穿搭10大法则或多或少对你有一丝丝的启发和帮助。最主要能找到让你感觉舒适和散发自信的你。在此,我希望50+的中年女性,在穿搭上天天持有时髦、优雅和有气质的容貌。喜欢我的频道点赞、转发。也可以在留言区分享你对穿搭的思路。
十项法则提升中年女性 50+ 的穿搭风格。
1. 灵感
2. 时尚偶像/博主
3. 体重管理
4. 扬长避短
5. 妆容打扮
6. 场合的对衬
7. 整体的细节
8. 颜色的选项
9. 首饰的点缀
10. 潮流的趋势
Hi, elegant ladies over 50+. I highly recommend u watch this video. Basically, these are my personal opinions on how to own /to elevate our style. It doesn’t meant everyone has to agree fashion [RULES]. As it always keep on changing according to our ages and trends all the time. Perhaps you can take a few to follow and apply them on your daily outfit. Last but not least, wear what works on you and feel most confident in. Hopefully everyone of you to stay chic, classy and do have your temperament appearance. Feel feel to leave your comment below. If you like this video please share and give me a thumbs up. Thank you.
My personal favorite style blogger
contents of this video:-
1. inspiration
2. style blogger/influencer [It’s ok to copy someone else’s style]
3. key of body shape
4. enhance your flaws and mistakes
5. appearance/makeup
6. occasion dressed up/social life
7. overall details performance
8. color scheme
9. accessories element
10. fashion trend
#中年时尚搭配 #50+风格 #时尚窍门

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