浅田舞、男性との初のペアダンスに「ドキドキ」 ディズニー・オン・アイス「アナと雪の女王」東京初日公演 #Mai Asada #Disney On Ice



 現役引退後はアイスショーに出る機会がなかったという浅田さんはこの日、約5000人の観客の前で「Let It Go~ありのままで~」の曲で男性スケーターとペアダンスを披露。


Mai Asada “nervous” in first time of pair-dancing with man. First performance day in Tokyo of Disney On Ice “Anna and the Snow Queen”

Figure skater and media personality Mai Asada showed off a special performance with a male skater at the first performance in Tokyo of Disney On Ice “Anna and the Snow Queen”, held in Yoyogi National Gymnasium Tokyo on July 16th.

At a press conference after the event, she said with a smile: “It is the first time I have performed a pair dance. Normally, I only perform single dance, so it makes me nervous, but very delighted”