吉岡里帆、大きな襟が印象的な個性派ワンピ 日豪合作映画「STAR SAND -星砂物語-」初日舞台あいさつ1


 女優の吉岡里帆さんが8月4日、東京都内で開かれた日豪合作映画「STAR SAND -星砂物語-」(ロジャー・パルバース監督)の初日舞台あいさつに登場。吉岡さんは、大きな襟が印象的なグレーのワンピース姿で、チョーカーと黒のサンダルを組み合わせたファッションだった。


The Greeting Event for the movie “STAR SAND” co-produced by Japan and Australia (1)

Riho Yoshioka attended first Greeting Event for the Japan-Australia collaboration movie “STAR SAND” (directed by Roger Pulvers), in Tokyo on August 4th.

Yoshioka attended the event in a large gray dress with an impressive large collar accompanied by a choker necklace and black sandal.

The film is set in Okinawa in 1945, about the strange relationship of three people after 16-year-old Hiromi (Risa Oda) and two defectors from Japan army and the United States army, Takayasu (Shinnosuke Mitsushima) and Bob (Brandon) met each other at a cave, however, when Takayasu’s brother -Hajime (Takahiro Miura), a discharged Japanese soldier visited the cave, tragedy was triggered

After that, the story is set in Tokyo in 2016, when a student from Shiho University (Yoshioka) was advised by his professor to take a lecture about Okinawa in war.