筱崎愛(Ai Shinozaki,1992年2月26日—)是日本著名的模特90後女星,擁有一張天真無邪的娃娃臉和E罩杯的傲人胸圍,其刊登在套圖屋後,因童顏巨乳被稱為“日版瑤瑤”,並迅速成名。
AI Shinozaki (February 26, 1992) is a famous Japanese model born after 90. She has an innocent baby face and a proud chest with an e-cup. She was published in the back of the set of pictures. She was known as “Japanese version Yao Yao” because of her childlike face and huge breasts, and quickly became famous.
She has participated in a number of TV dramas and films, and her group aell has been non-stop since September 14, 2014.