映画は祥伝社の「FEEL YOUNG」で連載中の「アヤメくんののんびり肉食日誌」を実写化。足立さん、黒羽さんのほか、佐伯大地さん、瑛茉ジャスミンさんらも出演している。
Trailer of movie “Ayame-kun no nonbiri nikushoku nisshi”
The video trailer of the movie “Ayame-kun no nonbiri nikushoku nisshi” (Directed by Shibazaki Hiroki, to be premiered on October 7th) co-starring actress Rika Adachi and actor Mario Kuroba was released on August 27th.
The movie is adapted from the work “Ayame-kun no nonbiri nikushoku nisshi” which is currently serialized on the magazine “FEEL YOUNG” of Shodensha Publishing House.
In addition to Rika Adachi and Mario Kuroba, the movie also has the participation of Daichi Saeki and Kondo Emma Jasmine.